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BA Degree in Sustainable livestock systems

Location: Department of Veterinary Sciences - Grugliasco (TO)

Admission: the BA Degree in “Sustainable livestock systems” is an open access course (without admission test)

Consult the Student's guide in Italian


The Degree Course in Sustainable Livestock Systems (SiZoS) aims to train the professional figure of the supply chain technician capable of working at various levels of the food chain/supply chain, with particular reference to the primary production sector.

Graduates of this BA course will be able to find employment opportunities as operators in the following sectors: agro-zootechnical companies, feed industry, agro-food industries, service centers (genetic improvement, feed analysis laboratories, control of foods of animal origin , quality certification), protection consortia and professional organizations, trade associations, agri-tourism companies, educational farms, guardian communities (of biodiversity, gastronomic traditions, etc.), public bodies with expertise in the planning and coordination of agricultural policies and environmental, public bodies for the management and protection of protected areas, non-governmental organizations.

The graduate in Sustainable Livestock Systems also has the possibility of completing the training course by accessing Master's Degree courses, finding the natural continuation of the training course in the LM-86 class.

The educational path is divided into three years with theoretical-practical teaching activities aimed at promoting the cultural and professional growth of students through a logical and linked succession of teaching activities, as listed below.

The first year includes the learning area of ​​understanding biological phenomena (chemistry and biochemistry, physics and computer science) and the learning area relating to the morpho-functional organization of domestic and wild animals (anatomy and physiology). These areas support the learning area relating to the interaction of the domestic animal with the aquatic, terrestrial and microbial environment (ecology, forage crops, microbiology and parasitology) functional to the understanding of complex phenomena such as the animal and its interactions with the environment.

In the second year, training activities are planned aimed at acquiring knowledge relating to both the management of traditional and alternative animal breeding and the protection of animal biodiversity. These activities will be delivered through the learning area of ​​the management and welfare of animals on farms (general and precision animal husbandry, animal nutrition, breeding and reproduction of animals) and the learning area of ​​the management of biodiversity and sustainability of farms (sustainability of animal breeding, animal biodiversity, sustainable animal farming).

During the third year, the problems relating to the management of veterinary biosafety (learning area of ​​biosafety of animal breeding) and the valorization and characterization of the quality of products of animal origin will be addressed (through the learning area relating to the economics of the agro-livestock company and certification of supply chains and technologies, hygiene and quality of foods of animal origin).To complete the educational path, the area of ​​learning transversal skills (communication techniques and economics) will contribute to the personal and professional growth of the student. The third year of the course also includes freely chosen training activities, which significantly contribute to completing the student's education and to the graduate's potential inclusion in the employment and professional context, as well as further promoting the student's responsible autonomy /student in defining a personalized path.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 08/05/2024 16:46
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